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Kukucs  |  Szólj hozzá!

This short story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents and locations are the product of the author`s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people or events is by happenstance coincidental.

So the story starts a long time ago(in a galaxy far far away...) in the middle of the big valley, surrounded by hills and mountains, flooded by huge rivers, and occupied by people who were capable riding horses backways, while they shooting arrows. There was this young boy who really didn`t like to work for his squire, so one day he get himself, sit on his white horse (her name was Corsa) and just ride, ride until he reached the north coast of the country, where weird people eat snails with smelly cheeses. He didn`t really wanted to spend a lot of time here, because people there seems to be like assholes, so he and his fine horse get the first ship to the island where the Leprechauns are from and the grass is green and the girls, well lets just say they not pretty. But he didn`t went there to look for fun, he wanted to settle and find a fine job, where he gets enough to buy a small cottage and have a few penny left for beers as well. After a month he started in the local manufactory, doing some heavy lifting for the ladies, who were sewing fine cotton clothes. The young boy was a very hard and fast worker, he did his job so fast, he always had some time left to chat with the young and beautiful ladies who worked in the factory. One of them soon became more special to our hero, and he spent a lots of his time, walking around her during work ...soon, after work as well. She was kind and funny and she was from near the big valley as well, just a bit more north, and a bit more over the hills...but before anything could really happened between them, she get a very important massage by pigeon post, and by next morning she was gone, and fast as it happened they met, as fast as it was over...seemed forever.... Some time past by, and our hero was still really said, when the miracle happened, the same pigeon what brought the bad news, now it brought a good was from the young lady whose hair was so black like her name, and skin was so white like our hero`s Corsa. She was coming back to the green land...said the letter, but soon as our hero finished reading he just got sad again..The young lady was about to bring back her evil and not noble boyfriend with her(who she didnt really liked anymore) to the promiseland... Our hero`s heart was in bits and peaces, and he didn`t even wanted to see the young lady again, after she betrayed him so badly...But still, after some time he couldn`t deny he still had strong feelings for her...Months passed by again and spring was upon us, when the locals kept the annual big drinking festival in the capital city...Our hero went there as well, like every others, with his fellow mates for a few pints... and than...the unthinkable just happened. Out of the thousands pub in the city, it just happened to be that they are drinking in the same one as the young lady and her friends! They met again...our hero`s heart was rushing fast but he did not know what to say to the young lady, so, as every gentleman in that age, he offered to invite her for a drink, but the young lady`s friends were just about to leaving, so she turned down the offer...Our guy just could not believed that they met again, was just a coincidence...he went back to his friends and kept thinking on what just happened really...a few minutes later one of our young hero`s friend just told him that the young lady actually came back, stopped at the bottom of the stairs and was staring on him for a while and then just left. Our hero just jump up from the table..rushing out from the pub but he could not see the lady nowhere. (he also sent out a lots of pigeons with small massages on their feet..). After that they never met again... Since that, our hero is happily married with the most beautiful princess he ever seen, and they waiting for the small babyhero to be born. Eventually, later on, he heard some news from the young lady as well, that he found the real love of her life and they are really happy still living in the green land. We all walking down in our path, same as our hero did, and all of a sudden these random things coming by, creating a junction and god knows where these roads ends...we all wondering what would happen if...all I know that our hero has no regrets about his life(not about this incident anyway.. :D) He is just happy right now!

...but he still sometimes wondering: Why did she came back that night???

The End...   


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